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Gulf Computer Support Systems LLC

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Gulf Computer Support Systems LLC

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Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street

Near Asia Travel Bldg,



About Gulf Computer Support Systems LLC

Inlet Computer Support Systems LLC (GCSS) was set up in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) in the year 1988, with workplaces in Dubai, Abu Dhabi. GCSS has a vicinity all through the neighboring Gulf Countries with workplaces in Oman and Qatar and an arranged office in Kuwait. GCSS started its business operation in the field of Computer Room Site planning and in this manner ventured into DC Power Supply, innovative building innovation items - fundamentally Raised Access Flooring, Close Control Airconditioning frameworks, Leak Detection, Computer Room Fire Extinguishing System and so on. Today, GCSS has solidly settled itself as driving Datacenter and Building innovation arrangement supplier serving verging on each significant client in the U.A.E.

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