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Hotline Trading LLC

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Hotline Trading LLC

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Dubai, Ghusais

P.O. Box – 120866 Nine Ball Café Building Flat No 301, Damascus Street Al Ghusais, Dubai –UAE,

+971-4-2582117 , +971 4 2582117


About Hotline Trading LLC

HOTLINE TRADING L.L.C is a leading supplier, installer and a turnkey solution provider of cost effective package boiler systems, Heat Exchanger systems Hot water heat pumps, Central hot water heating system and solar hot water heating system and after market support.The company operate quality systems designed to support the highest levels and customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of business performance.PRODUCTSOil, gas fired, steam and hot water fire tube boilers from 50kg/hr to 25,000kg/hr. Pressures upto 25 bar. (Make Represented - BYWORTH BOILERS UK)Electric boilersOil and gas fire steam and hot water water tube boiler (D type, A type, O type), high temp hot water boilers upto the pressure of 1500 psig. (RENTECH BOILER SYSTEMS USA) Waste heat recovery boilers ( fired and unfired) (RENTECH BOILER SYSTEMS USA) Furnaces ( GRIEVE USA) Boilers accessories like, low water cutoff systems, Pressure controller, burner controls etc ( HONEY WELL USA, ITT MC DONEEL MILLER ) Steam accessories, valves and fittings ( ARMSTRONG USA , YOSHITAKE JAPAN, ARI GERMANY, SAMSON GERMANY) Boiler tubesHot water Calorifiers ( PRECISION USA, HEIZER ITALY, ZANI ITALY, SICC ITALY, OSO NORWAY )Heat exchanger (FUNKE GERMANY)Solar systems ( ROCA SPAIN)Gas fired hot water generating plants (ROCA SPAIN)Deaerator systems ( STERLING DE-AERATOR)Blow down vessels ( PRECISION UK)Feed tanks ( PRECISION UK)Flue chimney ( SCHEBLER U.S.A)

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