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Ocean Equipment Factory LLC

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Ocean Equipment Factory LLC

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Ocean Rubber Factory L.L.C, 159, Industrial Area 15, P.O. Box 6607, Sharjah, U.A.E


+971-6-5344110 , +971 6 5344110


About Ocean Equipment Factory LLC

Sea Rubber Factory is the Middle East's driving supplier of specialized elastic items. With more than 700 workers crosswise over four nations and eight manufacturing plants on two generation destinations, ORF supplies clients with inventive, quality arrangements. From the GCC to the extent The Panama Canal, ORF has been raising industry principles for a considerable length of time, guaranteeing flawlessness in everything about. Strategically placed at the cross-streets of Asia, the Middle East and Africa, ORF has a system of merchants and accomplices over the MENA district. Without breaking a sweat of transport from the UAE, Ocean Rubber can give clients ideal conveyance speed while guaranteeing a prevalent level of administration, over each touch point.

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