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Appolonia Dental Clinic

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Appolonia Dental Clinic

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Total Views : 1178

Abu Dhabi, Khalidiya

P.O. Box 25744, Abu Dhabi, Zayed 2nd St., UAE Khalidya Area

+971-2-6660997 , +971 2 6444220


About Appolonia Dental Clinic

We have been treating patients since 1989 and the greater part of them have been fulfilled by the nature of dental treatment given by each of our dental practitioner experts. We have built up ourselves as a premium dental center in Abu Dhabi and in Dubai. The agony free medications have brought us numerous referrals throughout the previous 22 years. After we have presented restorative dentistry in our medicinal administrations, we have been taking into account new patients. Our wellbeing maxim has upgraded the patient experience from apprehensive grown-ups to crotchety youngsters. All the gear connected are cleaned and kept in hygienic conditions. It offers certainty to the patients that the whole dental experience is without hazard. Look for a meeting with our dental consideration specialists. We guarantee you precise conclusion and legitimate treatment with the friendliest staff and most recent gear.

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